Friday, December 26, 2008


haha ^. ^ tat day ~ christmas eve , work until 7 ++ more ...
thn me n pinky ply ply around ..
and eat foo de birthday's cake ... eat until so full ^^
when we r eating , pinky tel me lo ...
say me got thing hush up , n dono me izit wil like tat ~
thn i ask back she ~? wat thing is it
^^ she laught n say nth .... n say later we bck only say
after finish cake , we bck n walking around LM ..
thn i cal mommy , n ask ... izit at outside ~~
she answer , ya... ^.^ singing song ... thn i cal she whn bck fetch me bck .. at pinky house ..
no awhile .. i walk wit pinky going her house , we keep talking tat thing ... thn
she keep apologize wit me . coz she o ...suspicion me wil dection her n hanZ ^.^
thn i keep laught and cht lo ... n reach Pinky house ...
we stil cht cht ... n she say many bout wrk , richard , chuan , and me ...
hahaha ^.^ tat time so happy ... coz i know ~~ she really is a sha po ~~
she so good , but a .... always think the nagetive thing ~ love she much much ^^
n so take care of me o ... but when i think of ... i stil got3 or 4 day wrk wit she ...
so .... indisposition
hehehe , after tat .... seong they cal me o , ask me wan sing k anot o ~~
thn me say
!@#$%!#@#$% infront pinky neh ^.^ she laught n say me so clownery
hahaha ~ after ... the ph , we keep chting ~ cht bout love , wrk ....
haiZzz... but after cht ... i so happy ~ wont so painstaking ^.^

10pm++ , seong they cal me ... haha
thn we go neway ~ woah ^.^ u know wat happen ???
is ... full !! all queue up n tat's so many ppl .... until outside !! thn we ask stil got room anot !
she say .... no ~~
2nd time go ask ... ask mid night got room ~~ she say ... no ! until 5 am also no ~~
WT ..... thn we plane at downstair ! :( m... plane so long lo ... plane until siting at car stil dono wher can do ... ask SG , TS ,all also need until 2++am more only got ... some say go yam cha , some say dowan .. haha
after tat ..... we booking low yat green box , 2am until 5 ++ ~
hahaha , thn go my house 1st ... coz ~~~ the next day i need work n ... i'm wearing CON ^.^hahah~~ but eong so good . fetch me back ..
thn they ply my com , ply at my room n sleep in my room T.T hahaa
1am++ we going out ... n 2 ++am reach ... thn sing ~~ hehe :) so happy ~~
sing JAY 's song o .... i love it !! 说好的幸福呢~ and i sing so many rock song ~~ until my throud so pain n no more sound ^.^ hehehe ~
after tat .... xinyi cal seong o ..... thn she liike bei jor ... coz she say she go drink beEr ..!
haiZz.. let we all so .......scared ..
but ... tat ok rdy ~~
she drunk rdy , but seong got go reach her 2 join us ! she juz rest at k room ~~
thn 5am more ... we 6 ppl go back seong house oi oi o ^.^
but cool man bck his house la ~~
me , shan , karmen , xinyi ,seong sleep at seong jie jie room ^.^ hahaha
but ......... tat's so cold la ~~ haizZz..
make me cant sleep ~~ hahahhaah
and xinyi say me , sleep like snail ~~~ hehe , so funny ~!
n i catch cold @!!

so happy tis year Xmas ~~ tat day i thought me wil alone at hosue on9
wakakaka ^.^ happy ~ i got so many gooD fren !

26.12 - i was going to be late ! thn i sit taxi go work lo ....
OMG ! i'm rough luck !! the taxi driver .................... so scared !!
when i go inside the car , thn he keep talk wit me.. and tel me .... his boSS ......
say the boSs force he change be bad guy ! thn say .... along also scared he ... and say many
SHIT thing !!! OMG ! tat time i'm so scared la , n i keep diam diam ~~
coz i'm sitting beside of he , and i scared he wil hit me !! thn i got tel my yokemate ~~
and say ........ help ^.^
thn he cal me , thn he ask me wat happen ... got anything ~ haha
thn tel driver only stop talk when i in the cal ... haiZz..
but when i reach comperny .. also the samE !!! LATE LATE LATE !!!
hahaha:) but ten ..... 2day ... my mooD is so good ~~
no unhappy , no think of he , but 2day sian lo ...... no customer !!
n .... nelsyen keep let me scold !! hahah
n make me so ..... GEK SAM !
night , he n soon hong .... no throw rubbish !! me let ppl scold ! haiZZz..
thn cal they throw ! they dowan ! thn i angry lo ... thn they only say ... they throw , they help me ... thn i keep dont ignore them n say ...... go away , i dowan saw u 2 ~~~ hahaha
thn they 2 keep say ... i help u la like tat o ~ hehe
but actually ~ i ..... no angry la ~ juz plying wit them ^.^ so funny ~
make they 2 so scared ~hehee

2day also is a happy day ~~ hehe : )
n 2molo is my public HOLIDAY ~ yeah ^.^ but neeD go dye bck my hair ~
OH ... haizZ.... neeD be a guai lui rdy T.T neEd study !!
haiZzz.... new year is coming !! fren ~~~
haha ~ T. care ya ^.^
night ~~~~

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