Tuesday, January 13, 2009

suck schol life !

yesterday night .... i cry ~~
i hate go schol , coz ... need always gv ppl catch catch catch ..
n my clasS ! no teacher enter !! F ! and ................. the ppl ~~ all so ..........
make me so HATE ! !

i cry , when chuan cal me ...
coz ... i tel he ~~ i scared i cant tahan until march .. when he bck ~
the schol wil so stupid ! HATE it ~~ n misS jun jun they , if jun they at .... the clas wil become notice ~ n i like saw them in the schol ... wont so lonely ! n the !@#$#%#@$ kantin ! nth 2 eat ~~
make me hungry hungry ...

haizZ..... chuan stil say i LAO GAI ~ hahaha
so funny ~~ but he realy so good la ... so tk girl ~

after ... i cry ~~ my heart waS so ......
thn i try to pray .... i'm so sry 4 god ...... but god real so good ~~
coz i pray 4 2day , wont so unhappy in the schol ... after pray ... my heart wont so pain ~
hahaha ^.^ u all can try it o ...........

hop3 fast fast march la !! n CNY ~~~
hahaha , i'm waiting 4 PLAY n ANG PAO ! hehehe :P

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