Wednesday, August 12, 2009

♥12 aug

Rain in the morning ~ i was lazy going to schol .. but i also went to schol
thn when i enter the classroom ! WT.. shit ! whole class juz hv 12 ppl come~~
Omg ~ boring like H ' i keep sleeping ~ coz no teacher enter.. 2day
keep chating wit celestee ,gino ~ =.='' speak eng ! wt ~ hahah
nvm la.. thn 2day t.s.wai got come schol ~ we eat breackfast 2gether~~
n mei yee keep plying n "zat" me ~~ lolx..n get eng paper~ 45% but i vry happy.. coz pass ^.^ lolx..

Dear J sms wit me juz now.. n chat many our thing~~ n i cry again..
coz i really unwilling to give away.. tat y i wil cry ...
i hope 2day is my last day 4 missing he love he care he~~~
sry 4 every 1 who's care me.. i know i'm a sha po ..
i really cant give up~~
sorry ... after 2day i wil let he go~ try dont miss he think he love he~~
but ....he wil always inside my heart ...

♥ M.Jacky ♥

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