Saturday, July 18, 2009

tat is our user card?

yesterday wake up at 7 ++am ... tis is my fisrt time wake up so early at the weekend ^^
jun wit the unlce come to fetch me when 8 am like tis ~ n taking pic inside the room ...

funny ma? hah ^^ and Jun sleeping inside the room neh... but me almost sleep also la...
3pm we bck ~ thn i go dear dear house rest n sleeping... his family all at house.. make me feel shy, coz tat time im vry hungry~ n gastric... Dear cal me eat but i shy .. lolx..
after tat dear cook 4 me ~~

feel happy~ thn i go dear room sleep , 7 somthing dear wake me up bath , n we go work 2gether... n going to Tan cha hosue, i keep asking he ~ wat is tat logo mean ... hahaha XP
funny funny ~

midnight jun kei cal me n dear go Yam cha~~ thn we go Mc near his house de...
thn chit chat at there .... bla bla bla ..
thn i ply dear ph lol.. saw his massage sent 4 ppl de.. massage send 4 a girl... make me think wrong tat he like tat girl ~~

but i think nth rdy... misS dear T.T

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