Monday, July 27, 2009


juz now go see Ice Age 3 wit dear~~ vry happy cz dear long time dint acc me ..
vry miss he... he say me like a kids .. i'm vry happy like kids when seeing those kids movie ,cantones ~ lolxx..

like a kids good ma, can dont think much much~~
sometime can like kids sometime sure must do bck wat should we do la..
tat's was " me "

i also hope i dont like kids but cant ma >.< cant control de neh...
haizz... like tis also wont ? i wan be wit " u " support u listen wat u say~~
juz be wit u , thn enought ~~
Tq dear~ love u ^^

Sunday, July 26, 2009

♥ . wait u ~

nothing can say ...
juz can say ~~~~

I will wait u ....

♥ yee ~

Thursday, July 23, 2009

.♥. ?





Saturday, July 18, 2009

tat is our user card?

yesterday wake up at 7 ++am ... tis is my fisrt time wake up so early at the weekend ^^
jun wit the unlce come to fetch me when 8 am like tis ~ n taking pic inside the room ...

funny ma? hah ^^ and Jun sleeping inside the room neh... but me almost sleep also la...
3pm we bck ~ thn i go dear dear house rest n sleeping... his family all at house.. make me feel shy, coz tat time im vry hungry~ n gastric... Dear cal me eat but i shy .. lolx..
after tat dear cook 4 me ~~

feel happy~ thn i go dear room sleep , 7 somthing dear wake me up bath , n we go work 2gether... n going to Tan cha hosue, i keep asking he ~ wat is tat logo mean ... hahaha XP
funny funny ~

midnight jun kei cal me n dear go Yam cha~~ thn we go Mc near his house de...
thn chit chat at there .... bla bla bla ..
thn i ply dear ph lol.. saw his massage sent 4 ppl de.. massage send 4 a girl... make me think wrong tat he like tat girl ~~

but i think nth rdy... misS dear T.T

Thursday, July 16, 2009

15/7/09 wednesday night 8:00++ pm
i was losing my ph n leave inside a taxi !? tat day is vry bad luck~~
no mood tat day... eat my dinner at 10pm more.. alomst wan be my supper... >.<'''

16.7.09 thursday after schol
jun , wit her lou (alan) come tan cha house fetch me go digi centre take bck my num
after tat fetch me bck house when 5 .00++
n night ... i saw many massage 4 helping me find my ph ~~
^^ so thanks my dear fren o.. hahaha XP
i receive tat " sh " send 4 me n michelle de massage .. she asking we .. y we wan
to break off relations wit her.. n talk many rubbish... after that i reply her... thn quarrel wit her again~~

17.7.09 friday (2day)
bring simcard 2 schol let michelle see our quarrel massage~~ lolxx.. n she write 1 letter 4 us yesterday... but chee hui 2day only gv us... as far as I'm concerned tat letter alredy no use.. n when we r seeing tat letter... no feeling 4 tat.... haha
4:35pm later , tuition~~ omg =.='' 6pm wait bus to bck LM..
all bus is so slow .. 8pm working !!! can die @.@

but 1 thing vry excited is...

tomolo 8am undang uncle wil come fetch jun n me to listen ^^
but scared wil sian o...
5 hour ..~ omg ^^

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


i very exciting ~ becoz....

2molo my school got team vs team volleyball competition neh~

hahahah XP almost become crazy~ i pefret ply in the morning... lol..bcause no

need study n boring in the clasS , seeing those " sh " at there be SSHH.

and , hop3 2mlo MP got go schol acc me , n ... my team WIN WIN o~~

" Cengal " ?

hahaha ..lolx~

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hate those ppl who r so SH ! no brain !
2day at school quarrel wit tat ppl , now i only know treat ppl good not all wil treat u Gd back !!

I wont treat anyppl good good like be4 ! except my family , my best baobei ji mui !!
and U ARE NOT MY JI MUI anymore !! I Wont help u anything any !! if can ! i wan bck my normal life !@ like be4 ! no sh in my life !!

hate sh , SKL , 25 zai/lui n more more ! dont like ppl LAT 9 me !!
i nth say u anymore !!

Juz behave urself @! dont let me more hate u , dont let me become crazy ! u wan crazy wit me , i also can crazy wit u !!

n i'm so rude !! FCK off mylife !
To : anti SH !! HSM !!!