Tuesday, April 21, 2009

... Fren.... ?

why all my fren wil like tiS de ??
can i know wat happ3n wil make u all argue ?? why xxx wil like tis ?? izit like xxxx say de ...?
infront me nth , but behind xxxx ... say xxxx de bad thing ??

Shan ,Li, Jun, Yi, Yee, Yin ,Hui , Lisa,Ming ,Wen

haiZz...me really nothing can do rdy ~
tIs world really got a true fren ?? disSapoited wit everything , ppl ~~
life r so SUCK !

very HATE tat feel .. hate all not song each other ...
dont like u all like tiS ya~~ u all knoW ma ??

Sunday, April 19, 2009

happy day ~

yee be bck be4 de sha po le ^^
yesterday argue wit sou lou rdy....
haiz... but i think now nth de gua ~~
coz .....

he 4get 2day is our " 1 month "
make me so unhappy n not song ~~
hahah ^^

^^ nvm la.... hop3 we dont alwys argue ~
n hv many many month /yeaR ~~

2day at schol so happy o , coz me, michelle,celestee,mei mei
all ply around at class ... n chating ~~
teck yong , chee hui ,kam hua also ..... hahah
talk til so high !!

juz now saw richard blog~ suddenly saw he reply massage..
really can feel tat they so *HANG FOK *
hahaha ^^ happy to see tat~~

To : M . J

DeaR~~~ ♥ euu ♥"u
muackZzz... ^^